Andrew Kennel

Web Developer

Installed Backup software today

January 24, 2008

E and I installed the backup software today on the Apps server. The backup software allows us to backup/restore as much or as little of the site at a time that we want. Reading through the manual, it does support automated backups–sort of. What it does is create a batch file via a GUI interface….

E and I installed the backup software today on the Apps server. The backup software allows us to backup/restore as much or as little of the site at a time that we want.

Reading through the manual, it does support automated backups–sort of. What it does is create a batch file via a GUI interface. Once the batch file is created, it adds a task to the At scheduler in Windows that kicks off the file. Lame, but workable.

My current plan is to run a full backup every Saturday, and incremental updates every other day of the week. I’ll need to work with E to get tape copies created, as well as OS backups of each of the 5 servers in the farm, and a SQL backup.

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